Education & School Fees, How Much Does It Cost?

One of the most common reasons Australians hesitate to have children is the financial responsibility, especially school fees & higher education costs.

For many Australians their children’s education represents one of their biggest investments.

If we don’t plan for this investment properly it could be the biggest drain on our budgets when we’re least ready to take on the extra financial burden, particularly from high school onwards.

I know that some of our clients are paying high school fees of around $35K per annum for each child.

Multiply this amount by 6 years and the financial implications for parents who want to choose where they send their children to school in the future can be quite confronting.

So, how would you feel knowing in advance that this was all taken care of?

That all education fees (whether private or public school) and even university fees could be covered when the time comes.

With the right timing and careful planning, we could mitigate this with a strategy that not only creates an investment vehicle that encompasses high school and university fees, but even cover estate planning and spans into the next generation.

These educational and school fee strategies that we implement for clients include long-term tax-free gains and in some cases, even the ability to borrow funds for further investment.

It’s been said that this is one of the most efficient tax vehicles outside of superannuation.

Want to know more? Call us on 02 8203 4160 or contact us online via the form below.